2016/08/22-09/02 - Summer school - The law of the sea and EU law

Dove e quando

2016-08-22 | Bremen

The role of the EU with regard to the rights and duties implied in the use of world’s oceans is worth an ad hoc scrutiny not only in the light of the enhanced presence of the EU in the international arena but also because of a strategic interest that the EU has developed in recent years. Both the EU and its Member States are parties to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the basis of the principle of attributed powers. The recent practice, however, has shown that uncertainties if not outright clashes may indeed arise. Several contentious cases have been brought to attention of the Court of Justice of the EU either by way of infringement proceedings or because of alleged inconsistencies between EU law and international maritime treaties to which the Member States themselves are contracting parties.


Prof. Schiano di Pepe


Ultimo aggiornamento 15 Giugno 2016